In the current social and economic context, all the companies are affected and search for various solutions and modalities to save their businesses, that were built during years of work and sacrifices. Did you know that Brașov has a tourism innovation hub?

Let’s start from the beginning. What is HIT BRAȘOV, and what it does represent? HIT Brașov is a networking centre, a space where creative ideas, as well as innovating solutions are generated, aimed to improve and adapt the touristic offer to the current social and economic requirements.

You might be asking who created this tourism innovation hub. Well, the people from Brașov Metropolitan Sustainable Development Agency (Agenția Metropolitană pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă Brașov), came up with this idea. As co-founding member of FIT – Digital Innovation Hub, the Metropolitan Sustainable Development Agency aimed to develop the connected hub HIT Brașov (Tourism Innovation Hub – Hub de Inovare în Turism) and to build a solid community, oriented both to the needs related both to the touristic requests and offerings, revolving around the concepts of sustainable tourism, innovation, digitalization, Industry 4.0, and Tourism 4.0.

HIT Brașov, functioning within Brașov Metropolitan Sustainable Development Agency, is also surrounded by partners supporting the performance of the hub’s activity. Thus, the following institutions joined this project: Brașov Municipality City Hall, FIT Digital Innovation Hub, Iceberg Consulting, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Winsedswiss by EHL, Orange Fab, Fellowship of the Tavern Keepers (Breasla Cârciumarilor), Poiana Brașov Tourism Association (Asociația de Turism Poiana Brașov), Rebels and Rulers by Branding Mag.

Cont Consulting joins this innovating project as a partner and supports it by participating as a mentor to the HIT Brașov inauguration event, which is to take place on December 9th, 14:00 hrs, on the ZOOM online platform.

As a partner of this programme, Cont Consulting shall provide consultancy to the start-up entrepreneurs concerning the business environment, taxes and fees, and also concerning the selection of the legal form to perform the economic activity, and the establishment of a company.

As well, the experienced entrepreneurs shall learn about optimization methods of the economic processes within their businesses. Moreover, we shall offer them instruments for the efficient guidance of their businesses in the current economic context.

The mentor shall be Sorin Bâscă, chartered accountant, human resources inspector and legal advisor, Managing Partner of Cont Consulting and entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience.

We really hope that our support matters and that we can guide the first steps of a new generation of tourism entrepreneurs.