Total or partial outsourcing of the accounting activity.
Recomposition, analysis and expert reports.
Examination according to the International Standards on Auditing.
Specialized consultancy services on taxes and duties. Specialized assistance.
Payroll services, human resources consultancy, and other related services.
Start-up assistance. Preparation of the required documents.
Legal assistance and representation of the clients.
Valuation services for trading, financial reporting, tax issues..
Businesses sales and acquisitions, finding, management of the trading process.
Leave us a message and one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible!
Address :
Str. Brândușelor 68-70, etaj 2, birou 2, 500397 Brașov, Romania
Program :
Monday-Friday: 09:00 – 17:00
Email :
Phone :
(+40) 268 327 992
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