What is EUID

The EUID, or ‘European Unique Identifier‘, is a code valid throughout the European Union, which allows the rapid identification of companies operating in the Member States. The need for the EUID code arose with the accession of several states to the European Union, and there was a need to standardize the way in which the Trade Registers of the member countries communicate.

The structure of a company’s EUID code is:

  • abbreviation of the country code (RO),
  • the identification code of the Trade Register in which the company is registered (J40),
  • company identification number (2845/1998).

The BRIS platform was introduced by Directive 2012/17 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 89/666 / EEC and Directives 2005/56 / EC and 2009/101 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (” Business Registers Interconnection System ”), through which the Registers of the Member States communicate information related to cross-border changes and through which any interested party can access information from the Registers of the Member States.

Starting with 07.07.2017, Romania applies through the National Office of the Trade Register (ONRC) the unique codification of companies valid in the European Union. Thus, the EUID code will be mentioned on all documents issued by this institution. This code allows companies in the European Union to be identified in the system of interconnection of business registers in the Member States of the European Union (BRIS), of which ONRC is a part.

Thus, from July 7, 2017, the new code is automatically granted when registering / registering applicants, whether we are talking about legal entities (companies) or entities without legal personality, organized in the form of PFA, individual (II) or family businesses (IF ).

How to obtain the EUID code

In order to obtain this code, it is necessary to present to an ONRC office with the old registration certificate (CUI) together with an application for its exchange, plus a proof showing the legal quality of the depositor or power of attorney for the person submitting. The procedure normally takes 3 days from the time of submission.

Obtaining this code is not mandatory, but may be required if you have collaborative relationships with companies in the European Union. Information on model documents and other legal requirements can be found on the website of the National Office of the Trade Register (ONRC).

Obtaining the EUID code is a service that our company offers through the legal support department. More details can be obtained at the email address legal@contconsulting.ro. More details about legal support services can be found here, and about start-up services you can find more information here.

Note: The text is valid on the date of its publication, is for guidance purposes and is an interpretation of the specialists of the company Cont Consulting, without intending to replace the legal provisions in force. We are not liable for any damages caused by the use of this material for legal purposes or as evidence in any dispute.